PHStocks Dividend Roundup
Below are the recent cash dividend announcements compiled by PHStocks.
EEI Corporation (PSE: EEI) has announced the following cash dividend:
- Cash: PhP0.05 per share
- Record Date: April 11, 2013
- Payment Date: April 29, 2013
- Cash: PhP0.05 per share
- Record Date: June 3, 2013
- Payment Date: June 28, 2013
- Cash: PhP0.05 per share
- Record Date: September 2, 2013
- Payment Date: September 26, 2013
- Cash: PhP0.05 per share
- Record Date: December 2, 2013
- Payment Date: December 26, 2013
Filipino Fund Inc. (PSE: FFI): The Board of Directors has approved the declaration of cash dividends of PhP0.20 per share, or the aggregate amount of PhP4,769,370.00, to stockholders of record as of 4 April 2013, payable within 18 trading days from the record date, or on or before 30 April 2013. The Board has also declared stock dividends representing 110.37% of current outstanding capital stock (and which will represent 14.29% of the increased authorized capital stock upon SEC approval) to the stockholders of record as of the 15th day counted from approval by the SEC of the increase in the authorized capital stock of FFI, and to be distributed 18 trading days after the record date.
GMA Network Inc. (PSE: GMA7): The Board of Directors has approved the cash dividend of PhP0.25 per share to stockholders of record as of 17 April 2013, payable on 14 May 2013.
Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (PSE: RCB): The Board of Directors has approved the declaration and payment of cash dividends amounting to PhP1.00 per share, or a total of approximately PhP1.14 billion and PhP342 thousand, payable to holders of Common Class shares and Preferred Class shares respectively, subject to the final approval of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP).
Petron Corporation (PSE: PCOR): The Board of Directors has approved a cash dividend of PhP2.382 per share for preferred shareholders for the second quarter (Record Date: 10 May 2013 | Payment Date: 5 June 2013) and third quarter (Record Date: 8 August 2013 | Payment Date: 5 September 2013) of 2013. The Board has also approved a cash dividend of PhP0.05 per share for common shareholders of record as of 12 April 2013, with payment date of 8 May 2013.
Metropolitan Bank & Trust Company (Metrobank, PSE: MBT): The Board of Directors has approved the declaration of 30% stock dividends equivalent to 633,415,805 common shares amounting to PhP12,668,316,102.00 to be taken out of the bank’s paid-in surplus. This amount represents at least the minimum 25% subscribed and paid-up capital for the increase of the authorized capital stock from PhP50 billion to PhP100 billion.
Security Bank Corporation (PSE: SECB): The Board of Directors has approved the declaration of a regular semestral cash dividend of PhP0.50 per share and a special cash dividend of PhP0.50 per share on outstanding capital stock of the corporation, subject to the approval of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP). The record date and date of payment shall be fixed upon receipt by the bank of the approval by the BSP. The Board has also approved the declaration of stock dividend of 20% subject to the approval of the shareholders during the Annual Stockholders’ Meeting in May, subject to further to the approval of BSP, and the approval for the increase in authorized capital.
iPeople Inc. (PSE: IPO): The Board of Directors has approved the cash dividend of PhP0.06 per common share or 6% cash dividend on the outstanding common shares of 748,933,221 for a total amount of PhP44,935,993.26 from the company’s unrestricted retained earnings as of 31 December 2012 to stockholders of record as of 16 April 2013, to be payable on 10 May 2013.
Alsons Consolidated Resources Inc. (PSE: ACR): The Board of Directors has approved the payment of cash dividends of PhP0.016 per share on 14 June 2013 to stockholders of record on 23 May 2013.
Leisure & Resorts World Corporation (PSE: LR): The Board of Directors has approved the declaration of stock dividend equivalent to approximately 20% of the company’s outstanding capital stock of 999,877,094 shares, or equivalent to approximately 200,000,000 of common shares. Record and payment dates will be announced soon.
Trans-Asia Oil and Energy Development Corp. (PSE: TA): The Board of Directors has approved the declaration of cash dividend of PhP0.04 per share, payable on 6 May 2013, to shareholders of record as of 8 April 2013.
Panasonic Manufacturing Philippines Corporation (PSE: PMPC): The Board of Directors has approved the declaration of 10% cash dividend equivalent to PhP0.10 per share, or the total amount of PhP42,271,802.00 for all stockholders of record as of 12 April 2013, payable on 8 May 2013.
MacroAsia Corporation (PSE: MAC): The Board of Directors has approved a cash dividend of PhP0.065 per share, payable on or before 19 May 2013 to stockholders of record as of 24 April 2013.
The Philippine Stock Exchange Inc. (PSE: PSE): The Board of Directors of PSE declared a cash dividend equivalent to a total of PhP9.00 per share, broken down as PhP4.59 regular cash dividend and PhP4.41 special cash dividend, to stockholders of record as of 2 April 2013, payable on 26 April 2013.
San Miguel Brewery Inc. (PSE: SMB): The Board of Directors declared a cash dividend of PhP0.14 per share, payable on 15 April 2013, to all stockholders of record as of 5 April 2013.
COL Financial Group Inc. (PSE: COL): The Board of Directors has approved a regular cash dividend of PhP0.12 per share and special cash dividend of PhP0.51 per share, payable on or before 19 April 2013, to stockholders of record as of 4 April 2013.