Other Consumer Loans Up 11.2% QoQ
As of end-September 2010, Other Consumer Loans (Other CLs) of universal/commercial banks (U/KBs) and thrift banks (TBs) reached P45.7 billion, up by 11.2 percent or P4.6 billion from last quarter and by 24.5 percent or P9.0 billion from year ago. Meantime, the proportion of Other CLs to total loan portfolio (TLP), exclusive of interbank loans rose to 1.7 percent from last quarter’s and year ago’s 1.5 percent ratio.
Other CLs refer to loans granted to individuals to finance other personal and household needs such as purchase of household appliances, furniture and fixtures and/or to pay taxes, hospital and educational bills.
By industry, TBs held the larger share of the total Other CLs of the banking industry at 62.8 percent (P28.7 billion). U/KBs held the remaining 37.2 percent (P17.0 billion).
In terms of loan quality, the ratio of non-performing Other CLs to total Other CLs ratio of U/KBs and TBs improved to 17.3 percent from last quarter’s 20.7 percent and year ago’s 19.8 percent ratio. The ratio got better from last quarter as the 7.3 percent reduction in non-performing Other CLs to P7.9 billion was complemented by the expansion in Other CLs.
Meantime, the non-performing Other CLs to total non-performing loans (NPL) ratio stood at 5.8 percent (down from 6.2 percent last quarter but up from 5.5 percent a year ago), whereas non-performing Other CLs to TLP ratio was maintained at 0.3 percent in the three comparative periods.
U/KBs registered a better non-performing Other CLs to total Other CLs ratio (15.9 percent) compared to TBs (18.1 percent).