DITO CME Elated with Results of Latest Ookla Report
DITO CME Holdings Corp (PSE: DITO), the Udenna Group’s media, communications, entertainment and information technology (“IT”) subsidiary, is very pleased with the latest Ookla report entitled, “The Philippines is a Duopoly No More: Assessing
DITO’s Impact on 4G and 5G Performance.”
“We are yet again very encouraged by the results of this latest Ookla report, which further provides clear recognition by respected and independent organizations of the efforts being done by our subsidiary DITO Telecommunity Corp. in bringing world-class telecommunications services to Filipinos. This recognition further reinforces the very reason why DITO CME embarked on a major equity investment in DITO Telecommunity.” said DITO CME President Ernesto R. Alberto.
DITO CME is very confident that DITO Telecommunity will successfully hurdle its third technical audit which commenced on 8 July 2022.